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If you’re on a quest to live your best life, you’ve come to the right place. When you believe in yourself, set goals smartly, and stay healthy and strong, you’re capable of achieving anything! You can do it, and Live the Wonderful is here to support you along the way.

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14 Healthy Eating Habits that Keep me Feeling Good

Just to be clear up front, don't take these healthy eating habits as gospel. We are all unique and have our own needs. However, these are some of the eating habits that have helped me feel strong and healthy. And perhaps they can serve you well too. Check out the list below, and if inspired, perhaps try adding one of them to your healthy eating habits list. If you do, let...

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Whole Foods: Grapefruit Benefits

Grapefruits are awesome. I simply love that pop of bitter-sweet citrus in the morning. Packed with goodness, water and vitamins, yum! Read on and find out more about Grapefruit benefits and what makes this fruit so interesting. What is a Grapefruit? Grapefruit is a bitter-sweet citrus fruit. It grows in clusters on the tree - a subtropical citrus tree of the Rutaceae family. There are many Grapefruit varieties. You'll notice the difference clearly...

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