
Welcome to Live the Wonderful

If you’re on a quest to live your best life, you’ve come to the right place. When you believe in yourself, set goals smartly, and stay healthy and strong, you’re capable of achieving anything! You can do it, and Live the Wonderful is here to support you along the way.

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Welcome to Live the Wonderful

Live the Wonderful is here to motivate you to be courageous and to go for your dreams. But, it's also here to encourage you to take care of yourself, and to stop to enjoy the beautiful present moment. In a way, Live the Wonderful is here to inspire a healthy balance. Because a big part of living a fulfilling life is to actually enjoy the journey, instead of focusing so much on the destination.

Here are some essentials to spark thought:

Self Love & Care

Do you love yourself unconditionally? Do you celebrate who you are? Do you prioritise your self-care? Your relationship with yourself plays a big part in your health & happiness.

Meaningful Goals

Get clear on your personal values. And instead of setting many goals, set fewer but more meaningful ones. This way you'll prioritise your time on what's deeply important to you.

Personalised Habits

There's an endless list of healthy habits you can build. What's more important is to find what works for you. Create your own personal toolbox that keeps you feeling good.

Holistic Health

Other than food, what are you hungry for? When you nourish all areas of your life - from your body to your career to your relationships - you can truly create a life you love!

What you’ll find on Live the Wonderful

On this website you’ll find various ways to get inspired to live your happiest, healthiest life. Read a variety of articles on the blog, browse through a wonderful selection of inspiring resources, or, if you want to take it a step further, contact me to find out more about how we can work together.

Tees & Vests to keep you inspired

Inspired by the power of positive thinking and self-talk, I’m delighted to share Live the Wonderful’s first range of Inspirational Tees and Vests for Women. Click the image below to visit the shop and view the full range. I hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire me.

Live the Wonderful Inspirational T Shirts for Women

Hello, I’m Sian.

Hello, Future You.

I’m a health coach on a mission to help you become the best version of yourself and create a life you truly love – full of health, happiness and purpose. Let me help you get there.

While working together, I’ll encourage you to reconnect with yourself and what you truly want out of life. Then I’ll help you set meaningful goals and I’ll hold you accountable as you start working towards them step by step.

During our time together, I’ll encourage you to build healthy habits to keep you strong, and to nourish all areas of your life. This way you’ll design a lifestyle that truly feels good for you and you’ll feel truly fulfilled.

My personal transformation has taught me that we all have a quest deep within us to live a life of full of health, happiness and purpose. And I’m excited to support you on your quest too!

Would you like extra support as you take the necessary steps to create a life that lights you up inside?

Join me for a complimentary 45min 1-on-1 online video session. We'll take a look at your life and the changes you want to make. We'll also take a look at your health history and wellness goals, as this plays a big part in living your happiest, healthiest life. This is an opportunity for you to share your story, and what you truly want out of life. It's also a chance to discover what it feels like to have more support in your life. If we feel like a fit and you're interested in working together, I'll share my coaching menu with you, no strings attached. From there, it's completely up to you.

Book a free 45min session with me now

Recent Blog Posts

Here are some of my latest blog posts. Click on one you feel drawn to and you may just discover something special that inspires you on your quest.

  • Inspiring Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

    Journalling is such an amazing tool to help you connect with yourself. It’s a way to tune into your inner guide, identify what’s important, and get clarity on what steps you need to move your life in a positive direction. Journalling has helped me trem...

  • How to Listen to Your Intuition (especially when you don’t know what to do)

    Intuition is something you feel. You might feel it in your stomach, you might get goosebumps or feel a shiver down your spine, or you might even feel it in your chest. Sometimes it’s just a quiet sense of knowing.. Intuition is described in the dictionary as...

  • Time management tips to reduce stress

    How you spend your time can play a big part in how stressed you feel. That’s why I thought I’d share some time management tips to help you. There are many things in our lives that can cause stress, and time is one of the most common ones. Do you ever f...

  • Building awareness of the stressors in your life

    Stress affects so many people. And while some stress is normal, ongoing stress can have both mental and physical effects that reduce the quality and joy of life. If you suffer from ongoing stress, one of the first steps to making a positive change is to identify y...

  • Let go of the need to control and surrender to the magical flow of life

    Are you one of those people who has the need to control (almost) everything in your life? This can show up differently for different people. You may like to plan your days like clockwork, from morning to night. You may be intensely focused on your goals, constantl...

  • The Connection Between Stress and Your Relationship with YourSelf

    There is such a valuable connection between stress and your relationship with yourself. In my personal experience, realising this connection has been instrumental in helping me reduce my stress. And so, in this blog post, I will be sharing my own personal take on ...

  • Understanding ‘Normal’ Stress vs Chronic Stress

    Do you suffer from stress in your life? While some stress in the body is normal, ongoing stress is not. Today we’re looking at the difference between ‘normal’ and chronic stress. From this place, you can start looking at specific ways to reduce i...

  • Power Morning Lemon Turmeric Drink

    Food is a powerful natural medicine for the body, and this is one of my favourite simple recipes to illustrate that. Introducing my Power Morning Lemon Turmeric Drink to kickstart your day with health and zing! Jump straight to the recipe Why is this Morning Lemon...

  • A Value-Packed Conversation on Turmeric and Curcumin

    As you may know, I LOVE turmeric. But seriously… this golden spice has truly captured my heart for the long haul… I’ve been digging more into the subject, and realise that it’s important to understand the difference between turmeric and curcumin and to bui...

  • Simple Cinnamon Oats Breakfast Recipe to Kickstart Your Day

    Oats breakfast was a staple growing up, and I’m sure that is partly why I grew up healthy and strong. My grandad is also someone who has eaten oats for breakfast almost every morning, and I’m sure this has something to do with why he is 96 years old an...

  • What are Personal Values and How to Figure Them Out

    Your personal values are essentially a summary of what you value in life. In even simpler terms, they symbolise what is important to you. I never used to think about my personal values. But, when I did, I realised why they’re so powerful. When you do your va...

  • 14 Healthy Eating Habits that Keep me Feeling Good

    Just to be clear up front, don’t take these healthy eating habits as gospel. We are all unique and have our own needs. However, these are some of the eating habits that have helped me feel strong and healthy. And perhaps they can serve you well too. Check ou...

  • 6 Ways I Practice Mindfulness and Enjoy Life More

    Practising mindfulness was not part of my world years ago. I was way too ‘busy’ and stressed out to even think about actually slowing down and smelling the flowers. Ain’t no time for mindfulness, I’ve got way too much to do today! When I wa...

  • 5 Healthy Habits to Help You Manage Stress and Anxiety

    Do you suffer from stress or anxiety? Or both? Well, here’s a great article for you! I know so many people who suffer from stress and anxiety, and I think with today’s fast-pace, it has only been elevated. It has almost become the new normal. And if yo...

  • Find Your Purpose by Being YOU

    Are you on a quest to find live your best life? When on this quest, the question how to find your purpose is likely to come up. When I decided to intentionally go on a quest to live my best life, finding my purpose of course came up. To live my best life, I felt l...

  • How to Face Your Fears and Move Forward

    Is there something you want to do in your life, but fear keeps you stuck? Do you want to face your fears head-on, so that you can finally move forward? Join the club! Fear keeps a lot of people from doing the things they really want to do. And ultimately, fear get...

  • 6 Simple and Powerful Immune-Boosting Foods to Eat Regularly

    This immune-boosting foods post contains Affiliate Links, which means I may get a commission when you purchase a product. Please note: There is no extra cost for you, and, I only recommend products a genuinely approve and love. One of the most important things we ...

  • Simple Healthy Habits of Wonderful Women

    Health and happiness mean something different to everyone – it’s ‘bio-individual’ as we call it. And so, to tap into this idea, I reached out to some wonderful women in my life, to find out what simple healthy habits they use to keep them f...

  • Tips to Actually Achieve Your Goals in 2020

    In January most of us take the time to write down our New Year Resolutions aka our New Year Goals. We feel charged up by the new year, and our lists are often ambitious and long. We’ve got goals like eat healthier, exercise regularly, lose weight, earn more ...

  • What is holistic health and how can it help you

    While food truly does have the power to change everything, health is so much more than what you eat. All areas of your life impact your health and happiness, from your career, relationships, physical activity, to your spiritual practice. By taking this holistic a...

  • 5 Potent YouTube Video Workouts for Legs

    I recently did a personal 100 Days of Daily Exercise challenge and tried many different workout videos along the way. YouTube became one of my best friends, with hundreds of videos to choose from. Trying new workouts is a great way to keep exercise interestin...


7 Ways to Break Free of Sugar Cravings and Get Your Life Back

Are you battling sugar cravings? Sick of feeling like you have no will power when it comes to sugar? It’s everywhere… Cookies, soft drinks, ice cream, chocolates, sweets… pulling at you like a magnet from all directions. You try and resist the urge, but eventually, give in…


6 Inspiring Health Benefits of Exercise

Do you need some extra motivation to start exercising regularly? Apart from helping you lose some excess weight and tone up, exercise has many other health benefits. From physical, mental and emotional benefits, working out regularly can greatly transform your life…


How to Stay Strong in Times of Uncertainty and Change.

Are you going through a time of uncertainty and change? Are you perhaps moving cities, leaving a job or a toxic relationship? Whatever it is, during times of uncertainty and change, the overwhelm of the unknown can take over. It’s scary not knowing…

See all posts

Do you want to reduce stress and overwhelm in your life?

Subscribe to Live the Wonderful’s newsletter and you'll receive a “10 Ways to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm” PDF Guide. It'll help you create more calm, balance and joy in your life.

Lifestyle Blog

Get inspired by articles on various topics, from healthy eating and simple recipes, to lifestyle tips and personal development.

Inspiring Resources

Enjoy browsing a variety of wonderful resources, from books to courses, and keep yourself inspired on your journey.

Lifestyle Coaching

I empower my clients to be brave and take the necessary steps to create a life that truly lights them up inside.

Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself is the first step to transformation. You need to believe that you are worthy of something better to make it a reality.

Love and accept yourself for who you truly are.

Embrace what makes you unique, and even a little weird.

Let go of negative ideas about yourself and work on positive self talk.

Nourish yourself through self care and self love on a regular basis.

Break through limiting beliefs and open up to a world of abundance.

Truly believe that you are worthy of an abundant and wonderful life.

Plan for success

Get clear on what you want out of life, set goals and plan out your quest for success.

Get clear on what you want out of life.

Be decisive and choose a goal to work towards.

Break down your big goal into smaller manageable goals.

Plan out your quest to success, step by step.

Manage your time in a way that supports you on your journey.

Find the courage within you to keep moving forward.

Build healthy habits

Incorporate healthy habits into your life one by one. These will help keep you strong and support you on your quest.

Eat nutritious foods (at least 80-90% of the time).

Stay hydrated with at least 2 litres of water a day.

Work on getting enough quality sleep.

Keep active regularly in a way that you enjoy.

Find a balance between work, play and rest.

Make use of powerful tools like morning routines, meditation and gratitude journals.

Keep it simple & fun

Being healthy doesn’t need to be boring, complicated or dogmatic. Being healthy is about eating delicious food, feeling energised, having fun, and loving and nourishing yourself. Have fun with it!

Take your health journey one small (even tiny) step at a time.

Focus on nourishing yourself with good food, instead of restrictive dieting.

Don’t beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon, we’re all human.

Try eating healthy 80-90% of the time, and when you indulge, enjoy every minute of it!

Keep active in a way you really enjoy - yoga, bootcamp, hula hooping, walking the dog, dancing. Whatever it is, do something that excites you!

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the things you think you need to do to be healthy. Take a breath, listen to your body and take it one small step at a time.

Treat food like medicine

Enjoy eating more natural whole foods instead of processed foods with added sugars and other additives.

Keep it simple and focus on eating a variety of whole foods, like fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Have fun experimenting with new foods and flavours, giving your body a variety of nutrients to work with.

Eat a rainbow of fruits and veggies - Antioxidants give them their colour, and these help fight inflammation in the body which is a root cause of disease.

Enjoy eating more natural whole foods instead of processed foods with added sugars and additives.

Enjoy your food. When you eat, sit down, chew your food, and enjoy nourishing your body mindfully.

Realise that your body is an intelligent bio-computer and can heal itself when it’s given what it needs - like nutritious food, love, movement, water and rest.

Nourish all areas of life

Health is so much more than eating kale and going to the gym. Nourish all areas of your life to truly feel your best.

Nourish your body with nutritious food at least 80-90% of the time.

Keep active in a way that gives you joy. This will ensure your body stays strong and supple.

Nurture quality relationships with the people in your life, and with yourself.

Do work that you love, so that you grow in the right direction and feel fulfilled.

Make time to enjoy the present moment, and do the things that make you truly come alive.

Find a genuine balance between work, play and rest.

The secret to happiness is progress.

Tony Robbins

Trust yourself. You know what you need.

Live the Wonderful

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.


You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Christopher Columbus

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.

- Mahatma Gandhi -

Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a trend, it’s a lifestyle.

- Unknown -

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating…will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

- Edward Stanley -

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

- Buddha -

If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?

- Unknown -

Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.

- Renee Peterson Trudeau -

The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.

- Hippocrates -

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Subscribe to Live the Wonderful’s newsletter and you'll receive a “10 Ways to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm” PDF guide. It'll help you create more calm, balance and joy in your life.

Do you want to create Less Stress & More Joy in your life?

Subscribe to Live the Wonderful’s newsletter and you'll receive a “10 Ways to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm” PDF Guide. It'll help you create more calm, balance and joy in your life.