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Simple Sauteed Artichoke Recipe

In springtime, the artichokes come out in Italy. In Rome, you’ll start seeing Romanesco Artichokes displayed in most of the supermarkets. These veggies are hard to resist, with their pretty flower design and greenish-purple colours. They do take a little extra time to prepare, but they’re worth it. Here is a super tasty and simple sauteed artichoke recipe to enjoy as a side dish or eaten simply alone.

Look at this beautiful display in the local market. I simply had to buy a bunch, for a seasonal Italian cook up!


Now, artichokes are not the easiest vegetables to work with. They don’t take long to cook, but you need to spend some time cleaning and preparing them properly. This preparation can make or break your dish. Believe me, it has taken a few times to get them just right, and I am still improving.


Artichoke Cooking Tips:

After cooking Artichokes a few times, these are some of the lessons I’ve learnt:

Tip: Clean and Prepare your artichokes properly. Don’t cut corners here. Put on some music and take your time in cleaning and preparing them for the cook. They don’t take too long to cook, but if you haven’t cleaned them properly you could ruin your dish. Start off well, and you’re sure to end off well!

Tip: Just before serving, add a healthy squeeze of fresh lemon. Lemon has a way of lifting dishes.

Tip: Pair your sauteed artichokes with a couple of chicken breasts. You can lightly fry the chicken with fresh rosemary sprigs. Other lighter proteins work nicely with artichokes, as they don’t take over the vegetable favour. After all that preparation, you want the flavour of your artichokes to stand out.

Please find this tasty Simple Sauteed Artichoke Recipe below, and enjoy!

Simple Sauteed Artichoke Recipe

Artichokes are tasty and nutritious veggies, but they can be tricky to prepare. This easy recipe makes it easy for you. This simple sauteed artichoke recipe is a must try!

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time20 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time30 mins
 6 Large Whole Artichokes
 2 Big Cloves of Garlic
 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 1 Fresh Lemon
 2 tsp Freshly-cut Parsley

Cut off the stems, leaving only 2-2.5 cm. Now pull off the harder outer leaves - they should snap at their base. Don't be shy here - remove all the hard leaves so that you're only left with the softer lighter leaves closer to the centre.


Cut up to one third off the top of the artichokes. Use kitchen scissors to trim all the remains hard tips of the leaves.


Use a peeler, and shave off any remaining hard bits from the base. Lightly shave the stem too.


Check your artichoke properly. At this stage, I usually take off a few more leaves. Only leave the softer inner section close to the artichoke heart.


Cut the artichokes in half, and then halve again twice more. With a little knife, scoop out the hairy centre. With scissors trim off any sharp or hard ends.


To keep them from going brown, add them to a bowl of lightly lemoned water to prevent them from going brown. Leave for about 10 min or until you're ready to cook.


Add a tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil to a non-stick pan, and turn it onto medium-high heat. Add in the chopped garlic.


Remove your artichokes from the bowl of water and shake off the water lightly. Rub a very thin layer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on each piece.


When the garlic starts sizzling, add in your artichokes. Stir around lightly in the warm garlic oil. Leave in pan for about 10 min, stirring occasionally to prevent any burning. After 10min, push a knife through one of the biggest pieces, and if it slides in easily they are ready. Monitor them like you would carrots. You want them to cook through, but still have a bite.


Just before taking them off the heat, add the freshly chopped parsley and stir around.


Just before serving, add salt and squeeze some fresh lemon over your sauteed artichokes and stir around. Enjoy as a side dish or simply on their own! Suggestion: Pair them with lightly fried chicken breasts with rosemary - A delicious combination!


 6 Large Whole Artichokes
 2 Big Cloves of Garlic
 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 1 Fresh Lemon
 2 tsp Freshly-cut Parsley



Cut off the stems, leaving only 2-2.5 cm. Now pull off the harder outer leaves - they should snap at their base. Don't be shy here - remove all the hard leaves so that you're only left with the softer lighter leaves closer to the centre.


Cut up to one third off the top of the artichokes. Use kitchen scissors to trim all the remains hard tips of the leaves.


Use a peeler, and shave off any remaining hard bits from the base. Lightly shave the stem too.


Check your artichoke properly. At this stage, I usually take off a few more leaves. Only leave the softer inner section close to the artichoke heart.


Cut the artichokes in half, and then halve again twice more. With a little knife, scoop out the hairy centre. With scissors trim off any sharp or hard ends.


To keep them from going brown, add them to a bowl of lightly lemoned water to prevent them from going brown. Leave for about 10 min or until you're ready to cook.


Add a tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil to a non-stick pan, and turn it onto medium-high heat. Add in the chopped garlic.


Remove your artichokes from the bowl of water and shake off the water lightly. Rub a very thin layer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on each piece.


When the garlic starts sizzling, add in your artichokes. Stir around lightly in the warm garlic oil. Leave in pan for about 10 min, stirring occasionally to prevent any burning. After 10min, push a knife through one of the biggest pieces, and if it slides in easily they are ready. Monitor them like you would carrots. You want them to cook through, but still have a bite.


Just before taking them off the heat, add the freshly chopped parsley and stir around.


Just before serving, add salt and squeeze some fresh lemon over your sauteed artichokes and stir around. Enjoy as a side dish or simply on their own! Suggestion: Pair them with lightly fried chicken breasts with rosemary - A delicious combination!


Simple Sauteed Artichoke Recipe

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