Release Your Inner Optimist
The Power of Positive Thinking.
The half-full-or-half-empty concept.
This topic may seem overdone, but I’m telling you, it’s just too important to ignore!
You seriously can choose how you want to see the world.
Think about it for a moment…
How do you see the world around you, and the obstacles in it?
There are so many sides to every story,
and we have a power to choose which one to focus on.
Try this:
When you wake up tomorrow morning, be extra positive about everything.
Look at everything from a positive angle, with optimistic eyes.
It’s actually quite fun to do.
Just forget all the other thoughts, and focus on the plus side of everything.
This is your one and only life.
Be like the minions, and get excited!
Forget about the negatives, and embrace the good side of everything.
Here are some daily mindset transformations I’ve gone through:
It’s so early, I’m tired, Arg! I don’t want to get up and exercise.
— changed to —
Let’s do this! Some me-time to get toned and de stress, oh yeah!
Eek, I’ve got so much work to do… So much, feeling stressed!
— changed to —
I can do this. Let me just start by setting my daily goals, and then just start at the top. I’m learning, growing and getting better every single day. This is exciting, so don’t let fear creep in and ruin your passion. Let’s go and kick some ass!
Some of the things I do to help boost my morale and stay positive:
Eat healthy
A nourished body is a nourished mind.
The healthier you eat, the healthier your mindset becomes.
Exercise a minimum of 3 times a week
Because exercise makes you happy, truly.
Spend time in nature
Picnics, Beaching, Walking.
Breathe in that air, detox from technology.
Off the screens and into the beautiful real world.
It’s really does help relax and energise your mind.
Write Morning Pages
This is a great way to start the day, writing 2/3 morning pages as soon as you’re up.
It gets what’s in your head, out and onto the page. Doing this clears the mind, and sets the tone for a better day – Read more here
Stick to Personal Agreements
Sticking to your personal agreements you have with yourself is so important. By valuing what’s important to you and giving those things a little more of your time, you are telling yourself that what you need matters. This builds self love, which is key in positive thinking.
Some of my personal agreements include things like: exercising 3 times a week, sleeping more, and having more fun (I can be quite a workaholic).
Sleep more when it’s needed
Sleep is important, it’s your body clock.
Sleep is just as important as Water.
I try sleeping in at least once on the weekends, to give my body that extra relaxation after a long week.
Think back on one of those crazy weeks, when you’re working late, just ridiculously busy, and not sleeping regularly. Have you ever gone to bed, and experienced something like this this:
Have you ever woken up on a Saturday or Sunday, feeling something like this?
If you do feel like this, do yourself a favour and let your little body lie there and just be.
Next time you have some extra time, schedule in some more sleep.
It’ll only make your body and mind happier
There are so many things I do to unwind and help me feel happier.
Some others include:
Detoxing from technology
Reading book like Richard Branson’s Let’s Do It
Listening to great music
(like on SoundCloud or Spotify)
Cooking something yummy
(like a recipe from Yummly)
Watching a comedy
Doing Yoga
Writing down everything I’m grateful for
Writing down the things bothering me and next to them adding positive spin
Cleaning – house, clutter
Pampering myself
Smiling for no reason – just smile,
Remembering myself as a kid, stopping myself from being so serious all the time
Revisiting my big life vision and goals
Watching Inspiring Videos
Robin Sharma videos
Watching GIFs
Tell me some of yours?
What do you do to get your mindset right?
If you are feeling down, take control and get your mindset right.
Choose to see the positives in everything, and it’ll transform your life.
Ciao for now xx