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Fresh Grapefruit and Fennel Salad

After being around so much fennel since living in Rome, a Fennel Salad was in order.

Fennel season is in full swing in Winter. Citrus too. In Italy, you’ll start seeing these seasonal ingredients out on display in the supermarkets. Italy is amazing like that. You can really tell what is in season if you pay close attention to what’s on display in the shops.

After discovering that both fennel and many citrus fruits are in season in December in Italy, I wasn’t surprised to discover that Fennel and Citrus Salad was an Italian classic. So, why not give it a whirl?


This is an easy 4 ingredient salad with a basic dressing. All you need is fennel, grapefruit, rocket, and onion for the salad. The dressing is simply Extra Virgin Olive Oil with salt and pepper.

After making this Citrus Fennel Salad, these are some of the lessons I’ve learnt:

Tip: Cut the Fennel finely. Sometimes I cut it too thick which tastes good, but finely cut allows it to mix better with the other ingredients so that you get a bit of everything in each mouthful.

Tip: Take the time to cut the grapefruit properly. You don’t need a lot of Grapefruit slices as it has a strong flavour, so it won’t take much time. Here is a fabulous citrus cutting video tutorial. You can taste and add more as you go, to get the best balance.

Tip: Add a good amount of fresh rocket and enjoy this salad as a full meal.

Optional: If you have, add a freshly chopped Avocado.

Have a go at seasonal eating: Check out what’s in season and try out different combinations. This is what led me to make a Fennel Grapefruit Salad – Both are in season.

Dressing: The only dressing necessary is Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and a little salt and pepper.

Please find this tasty Grapefruit and Fennel Salad recipe below, and enjoy!


The Fresh Fennel and Grapefruit Salad Recipe is a winner! This easy 4-ingredient salad has a unique and refreshing flavour. You'll also get a healthy dose of Vitamin C, and dietary fibre for healthy digestion. Enjoy the zing of this power combination! NOTE: Instead of using Grapefruit, have some fun experimenting with different citrus combinations. Half orange and half grapefruit is an option. Or perhaps just orange. See what works best for your taste buds.

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time20 mins
 0.50 Large Whole Fennel Bulb
 2 Medium Grapefruits
 1 Small Sweet Onion (like a shallot)
 2 cups Fresh Rocket
 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 2 pinches Pepper (adjust to taste preference)
 2 pinches Salt (adjust to taste preference)

Rinse the Rocket and shake off any excess water.


Rinse Fennel properly.
Slice the whole fennel in half, and then again in quarters.
From there, slice thinly.


With a sharp knife, slice off the peel of the grapefruits. Then slice the segments out with a knife (Watch the citrus cutting video tutorial linked in the post to see how it's done).


Once all the pieces are sliced and ready, squeeze the leftover juice into a glass bowl and set it aside for later.


Chop up the small onion finely. Add to salad mix.
The salad bowl will now contain the rocket, grapefruit pieces, and onion.


Drizzle the salad mix with some Olive Oil, and few splashes of the leftover grapefruit juice.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Down the leftover juice as a natural pre-vitamin shot.


Time to eat! Buon Apetito!


 0.50 Large Whole Fennel Bulb
 2 Medium Grapefruits
 1 Small Sweet Onion (like a shallot)
 2 cups Fresh Rocket
 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 2 pinches Pepper (adjust to taste preference)
 2 pinches Salt (adjust to taste preference)



Rinse the Rocket and shake off any excess water.


Rinse Fennel properly.
Slice the whole fennel in half, and then again in quarters.
From there, slice thinly.


With a sharp knife, slice off the peel of the grapefruits. Then slice the segments out with a knife (Watch the citrus cutting video tutorial linked in the post to see how it's done).


Once all the pieces are sliced and ready, squeeze the leftover juice into a glass bowl and set it aside for later.


Chop up the small onion finely. Add to salad mix.
The salad bowl will now contain the rocket, grapefruit pieces, and onion.


Drizzle the salad mix with some Olive Oil, and few splashes of the leftover grapefruit juice.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Down the leftover juice as a natural pre-vitamin shot.


Time to eat! Buon Apetito!


Fresh Fennel and Grapefruit Salad Recipe

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