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Fresh and Frisky Morning Citrus Juice

A freshly squeezed citrus juice is a fabulous way to start your morning. They are easy to make and give you a necessary healthy immune boost to kickstart your day. Are you ready to make the easiest and tastiest fresh and frisky morning citrus juice around? Let’s go!

Most citrus fruits are their juiciest when Winter arrives. So, in Italy, you’ll start seeing them piled up high in the supermarkets over December, January and February. Seasonal eating in Italy still impresses me so much, making me feel that tiny bit more connected to the cycles of the earth. Being winter time, when our immune systems need that extra boost of Vitamins, citrus fruits are here to help!

Grapefruits, being one of my favourite fruits to eat in the morning, inspired this recipe. Their taste is not for everyone, so this juice blends it nicely with other citrus fruits to encourage more readers to add it to their shopping lists.

This recipe is so easy to make, I chuckle a little at even calling it a “Recipe”. I mean, you simply squeeze the fruits and drink the juice, easy as that. However, in this blog, I want to share the simplest of recipes too. Simple recipes, like small changes, are essential as they are easier to make and encourage readers to make small changes to their eating plans. A simple citrus juice, even once a week, could motivate more small changes, and before you know it, you’re a lot healthier than you were last month.

This is an easy 3 ingredient citrus juice that takes 5 minutes to make. All you need is a grapefruit, a couple oranges and a lemon. Squeeze and drink!

After making this Citrus Juice, these are some of the lessons I’ve learnt:

Tip: Buy quality fruits from your local supermarket. When you hold the citrus fruit in your hand, it should feel firm and thin-skinned – As though the fruit is filled with juicy goodness that is close to the surface ready to explode. Does that make sense? It’s a tip my friend shared with me when we were buying lemons, and it works!

Tip: If you are using a manual juicer like I did for this recipe, pull your muscle into it and get as much juice as possible out – waste nothing. If you’re using an electric juicer, no need to worry as it’ll do all the work.

Tip: When using a manual juicer, I like to add a little bit of pulp back into the juice as it gives it a more wholesome taste. This is a personal choice, it’s up to you.

Tip: I love the sour tangy taste of lemons, so adding a full tablespoon was essential. Rather add the lemon at the end and keep tasting as you add more to find your perfect balance.

Tip: Fruits vary in taste, so take the time to adjust the amounts each time you make it, to find your ultimate blend. For instance, if you are not a big fan of grapefruits, add a couple more oranges.

Have a go at seasonal eating: Check out what’s in season and try out different combinations. This recipe includes Grapefruit, oranges and lemon. However, you could get creative and try out clementines or blood orange and discover other refreshing citrus juice combinations to add to your morning zing.

Regardless of whether you plan on making this zingy citrus juice or not, still be sure to add more of these fruits to your eating is a way that works for you. You could simply eat them whole, even easier, so there is no excuse!

Please find this tasty Fresh and Frisky Morning Citrus Juice recipe below, and enjoy!


This is the perfect citrus juice to kick-start your morning. Packed with immune-boosting vitamins and a zingy taste to get you going! Easy peasy!

Prep Time5 mins
 1 Fresh Whole Red Grapefruit
 2 Fresh Whole Oranges
 1 tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

Juice your one grapefruit and two oranges, and add all the fresh juice into one jug. Mix the grapefruit and orange juice nicely and have a taste. Now it's time to add your lemon.


Cut your lemon in half. Squeeze the juice of one of the halves into a teaspoon. Do this over your grapefruit orange juice jug so you don't mess. Mix and have another taste. If you feel you're up for more lemon, add another teaspoon. Mix and taste.


You can drink it right now, in some pretty little glasses. Or you could leave the jug in the fridge for 20min to give it a chill. Enjoy!


 1 Fresh Whole Red Grapefruit
 2 Fresh Whole Oranges
 1 tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice



Juice your one grapefruit and two oranges, and add all the fresh juice into one jug. Mix the grapefruit and orange juice nicely and have a taste. Now it's time to add your lemon.


Cut your lemon in half. Squeeze the juice of one of the halves into a teaspoon. Do this over your grapefruit orange juice jug so you don't mess. Mix and have another taste. If you feel you're up for more lemon, add another teaspoon. Mix and taste.


You can drink it right now, in some pretty little glasses. Or you could leave the jug in the fridge for 20min to give it a chill. Enjoy!


Fresh and Frisky Morning Citrus Juice

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